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Author name: klgcurryhouse

澳洲代谢咖啡 Eimele Coffee

📣📣懒人健康减肥法📣📣 健康的咖啡,让你过过咖啡隐时还能同时减肥 ‼️ 我该不会是全网最后推荐这个咖啡的吧? 今天给姐妹们安利的是澳洲亦餐代谢咖啡 #EimeleCoffee ☕它里面含有的绿咖啡豆提取物、酶R、芹菜籽粉、维生素VB12、VB6,对代谢糖和脂肪都有促进作❗ 这是保持两位数体重的秘诀哦‼ ☕并且它还是0糖0脂,可以加速脂肪燃烧、新陈代谢,促进我们体内循环起来,特别适合运动量少的久坐一族❗ ☕亦餐咖啡不仅可以加速代谢还可以提神,里面所含的人参提取物、姜黄粉都可以提高我们的精力和活力,也会加速脸部消肿~上班族啊尤其是需要早起的朋友们都可以随身携带,小包轻便! ☕口味层次感很丰富,混合了麦芽、坚果和谷物的香味,就是你喝起来就很健康~而且它的口感没有一般黑咖啡那么酸苦,比较适合大众口味~ ☕如果喜欢喝酸一点咖啡,直接用80度温水就可以了。如果爱醇厚一点的口感,就可以拿牛奶冲泡~我早上基本上就是咖啡 + 面包,最近不怎么运动,还瘦了几斤~

【Job Opportunity】

【WE ARE HIRING】 Supervisor Service Crew (Full Time)/(Part Time) Location: Taman Koperasi Benefits Working 7 hours per day EPF, SOCSO, EIS Annual leaves and medical leaves OT Claims Potential earning RM1500 ~ RM2000++ Requirements Willing to learn Willing to interact with customers Please contact 012-773 9602 (whatsapp)

How to install Feedme app in your phone

Step to install Feedme app in your phone:- Select the Google Play or Apple Store icon in your phone Tab the Feedme app and install it After installed, select the Kluang Curry House shop  Select either one button of Delivery or Pick Up  Press the Confirm button to start ordering your food.

Delivery Service

Great news Great News Our shop has started to provide delivery service in Kluang District Hungry and Lazy to go out? Why not order our meals from Feedme App to settle your hunger pangs? For those who pre-order delivery service on this month, the freight rate just needs RM2.99 within 7km. Delivery Time: 11:45am to …

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